What is iSpring SDK COM API?

iSpring SDK COM API (the COM API) is an Application Programming Interface based on Microsoft COM technology that converts PowerPoint presentations into web-friendly HTML5 format. It is accessible from all popular programming languages and environments that support COM technology, such as C#, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, C++, Delphi, PHP, ASP.NET, VB Script, ASP, Java (via the Java wrapper), Python, JavaScript, and JScript.

iSpring SDK COM API Usage

The main functionality of the COM API is implemented in the iSpringSDK.dll COM module. Some programming languages such as C# and Visual Basic require adding the COM library reference to the project, while other programming languages do not.

Adding the iSpring SDK COM library reference to a C# project

Right-click the References item of the Microsoft Visual Studio Solution Explorer and choose Add Reference.

The Reference Manager window will be opened. Under the COM tab, select Type Libraries. Next, tick iSpring SDK.

After that, the COM API classes and interfaces become accessible from the C# source code.

iSpring SDK COM API Classes and Interfaces

The COM API exposes the classes, interfaces, and enumeration types that can be accessed from programming languages.

The main class exposed by the COM API is PresentationConverter. It is used to open and convert a PowerPoint presentation to HTML5 format. It also provides access to the conversion settings, presentation, and available skin modules.

The following classes are exposed by the COM API:

PresentationConverter ClassThe main class of the COM API. Provides PowerPoint to HTML5 conversion facilities.
PresentationConverterFast ClassThe main class of the COM API. Provides PowerPoint to HTML5 conversion facilities.

The following interfaces are exposed by the COM API:

ILicenseManager InterfaceProvides current activation state and facilities for activation and deactivation.
II18nSettings InterfaceProvides the facility of adding translations for skin texts.
IHtml5SkinSettings InterfaceProvides HTML5 player skin settings.
IHtml5PublishingSettings InterfacePresents HTML5 presentation publishing settings.
IHtml5SkinModule InterfaceContains skin module settings designated to convert PPT to HTML5. 
ISkin InterfaceProvides information about the HTML5 player skin.
IPresentationConverter Interfacehe main interface of the SDK that provides all of the facilities
IZipCompressionSettings InterfaceAllows zipping of the generated presentation.
IWatermarkSettings Interface Allows the adding and positioning of a custom watermark.
ITimeRestrictions InterfacePresents settings that restrict presentation viewing to the specified period of time.
IProtectionSettings InterfaceProvides copyright protection functions.
IGesturesSettings InterfaceAllows configuration gestures that are supported by the presentation.
IMouseSettings InterfaceAllows configuration of mouse navigation settings.
IKeyboardSettings InterfaceAllows configuration of keyboard navigation settings (hotkeys)
INavigationSettings InterfacePresents HTML5 presentation navigation settings.
IHtml5SecuritySettings InterfacePresents presentation security settings.
IMediaSettings InterfacePresents multimedia object compression and conversion settings.
IAppearanceSettings InterfacePresents HTML5 presentation appearance settings.
ICompressionSettings InterfacePresents presentation video, audio, and image compression settings. 
IHtml5PlayerCorePlugins InterfacePresents a collection of the player core plug-ins.
IHtml5PresentationPlayerSettings InterfacePresents HTML5 presentation player settings.
IHtml5Settings InterfaceProvides HTML5-specific publishing settings.
IPresentationContentSettings InterfaceEnables and disables publishing of additional presentation content. 
IPlaybackSettings InterfacePresents HTML5 presentation playback settings.
ISettings InterfaceProvides access to presentation converter settings.
IExternalResource InterfaceProvides information about external presentation resources.
IExternalResources InterfacePresents a collection of external presentation resources.
IPresentationInfo InterfaceProvides information about external presentation resources.

IImageInfo Interface

Provides information about a picture used as a presenter's photo or a company logo.

ICompany Interface

Provides information about a presenter's company.
IPresenter InterfaceProvides information about a presenter.
IPresenters InterfacePresents a collection of presenters.
ISlide InterfaceProvides information about a PowerPoint presentation slide.
ISlides InterfacePresents a collection of PowerPoint presentation slides.
IPresentation InterfaceProvides information about the opened PowerPoint presentation.

The following enumerations are exposed by the COM API.

VideoPlayerTypeEnum EnumerationDefines the possible player types for slide video objects.
AudioBitrate EnumerationPresents possible audio bitrate values
PlaybackAction EnumerationDefines the action occurring on mouse click.
WatermarkAlignment EnumerationDefines options for watermark position alignment.
PresentationScanMode EnumerationSpecifies which external resources should be scanned.
ExternalResourceStatus EnumerationDefines the status of the presentation's external resources.
ExternalResourceType EnumerationDefines the types of the presentation's external resources.
ImageFileType EnumerationDefines the possible image file types.
PresentationType EnumerationDefines types of converted presentation - either solid or compound.
LicenseType Enumeration Defines the possible license types.
ConversionMode EnumerationDefines the presentation's possible modes of conversion.
ImageQuality EnumerationPresents the named constants for lossy image quality settings.
ResumeMode EnumerationSpecifies whether or not to resume playback from the last viewed slide.
SubDomainCommunicationMode EnumerationAccess options to presentation's JS API from subdomains.