The IPresentationConverter interface provides methods for managing the conversion and properties providing access to the main iSpring SDK interfaces.

Table 1. Properties

PropertyValue TypeAccessProperty description
SettingsISettingsRead onlyProvides access to conversion settings.
PresentationIPresentationRead onlyReturns the IPresentation interface showing the presentation that is currently open.
VersionstringRead onlyDefines the version of iSpring SDK.
LicenseManagerILicenseManagerRead onlyReturns the ILicenseManager interface providing facilities for activating iSpring SDK.
SkinsISkinsRead onlyThe collection of skins available in iSpring SDK.

Table 2. Methods

MethodMethod description
OpenPresentation(object source)Opens a PowerPoint presentation. The source parameter is either a string specifying the presentation path or the PowerPoint.Presentation COM interface.
PresentationOpenedIndicates if the presentation has been opened and if it is accessible.
void CancelConversion(bool deleteGeneratedFiles=true)Stops the conversion process.
void GenerateHtml5Presentation(string htmlFilePath, PresentationType type=PT_COMPOUND, string skinId="", object slideRange=null)Converts the opened presentation into an HTML5 presentation.