The IImageInfo interface provides information about the picture used as the presenter's photo or the company logo. This interface can be obtained using the ICompany.IImageInfo property.

Table 1. Properties

PropertyValue TypeAccessProperty description
WidthintRead onlyReturns the image width.
HeightintRead onlyReturns the image height.

Table 2. Methods

MethodMethod description
void Export (string path, int width, int height, int jpegQuality);

Exports the image to the file located by the specified path. The file format depends on the file extension and can be one of the following: JPG or PNG.
Width and height define the image size. These parameters can be equal to zero. The following cases are possible:

  • Width = 0, height = 0. The image will be saved with the original size.
  • Width = 0, height > 0. Width will be calculated using the height value and the original aspect ratio.
  • Height = 0, width > 0. Height will be automatically calculated to keep the original aspect ratio for the specified width.

    jpegQuality parameter is used only if JPG file format is specified.