The IPresenters interface represents a collection of presentation presenters. This interface can be obtained using the IPresentation.Presenters property.

Table 1. Properties

PropertyValue TypeAccessProperty description
Item[] or []IPresenterRead onlyReturns the IPresenter Interface, providing the presentation's presenter with the given index.
Note: index is 0-based.
CountintRead onlyReturns the quantity/number of presenters available during the presentation.
CompanyICompanyRead onlyReturns the ICompany interface, providing information about the presenter's default company.

Table 2. Methods

MethodMethod description
Presenter AddPresenter(string name)Adds a new presenter's name to the presentation presenter's collection. This method returns the IPresenter interface for the newly added presenter.
void LoadFromPresentation()Loads information about presenters from the presentation file.
void SaveToPresentation()Saves information about presenters to the presentation file.