The II18nSettings Interface allows you to obtain skin-specific internationalization settings and edit message translations by uploading new settings from the file. This interface can be obtained using the ISkin.I18n property.

Table 1. Properties

PropertyValue TypeAccessDefault valueProperty description
XmlstringRead only


Contains internationalization settings texts in the XML format. 

Table 2. Methods

Load(string fileName)Loads the I18n settings from the XML file.

Save(string fileName)

Saves the I18n settings to the XML file.
void Reset()Restores default I18n settings.

See settings sample below. The message IDs are specific to a particular skin.

Sample internationalization settings

    <message id="PB_ACCESSIBLE_WATERMARK_SKIN_CREATED_WITH">Created with iSpring evaluation version</message>
    <message id="PB_BACK_TO_APP_BUTTON_LABEL">Back</message>
    <message id="PB_CONTROL_PANEL_NEXT">NEXT</message>
    <message id="PB_CONTROL_PANEL_PREV">PREV</message>
    <message id="PB_CURRENT_SLIDE_IS_NOT_COMPLETED">You have to view the entire slide to continue</message>
    <message id="PB_DOMAIN_RESTRICTION">Sorry, the author has disabled viewing the presentation on this domain.</message>
    <message id="PB_ENTER_PASSWORD">Enter a password to view the presentation</message>
    <message id="PB_INCORRECT_PASSWORD">The password is incorrect</message>
    <message id="PB_MESSAGE_BOX_NO">NO</message>
    <message id="PB_MESSAGE_BOX_OK">OK</message>
    <message id="PB_MESSAGE_BOX_YES">YES</message>
    <message id="PB_NAVIGATION_IS_RESTRICTED">You can only access previously viewed slides.</message>
    <message id="PB_NAVIGATION_IS_SEQUENTIAL">You have to view the slides in the given order.</message>
    <message id="PB_RESTRICTION_MESSAGE_BOX_TITLE">Navigation is limited</message>
    <message id="PB_RESUME_PRESENTATION_WINDOW_TEXT">Would you like to resume the presentation from the last slide viewed?</message>
    <message id="PB_RESUME_PRESENTATION_WINDOW_TITLE">Resume Presentation</message>
    <message id="PB_SUBTITLES_OFF">Off</message>
    <message id="PB_TIME_RESTRICTION">Sorry, the author has disabled viewing the presentation at the moment.</message>