The ISlides Interface represents a collection of presentation slides. This interface can be obtained using the IPresentation.Slides property.

Table 1. Properties

PropertyValue TypeAccessProperty description
Item[] or []ISlideRead onlyGets a slide from the collection. Use Item[] in C++.
CountintRead onlyReturns a number of slides available in the presentation.

Table 2. Methods

MethodMethod description
void SaveThumbnails( string destinationFolder, string filePrefix, ImageFileType format, int width, int height, int quality = 75)Saves slide thumbnails to the specified folder. The quality argument makes sense only for the IFT_JPG file type.


The following C# sample illustrates the ISlides interface use.

using iSpring;

// ...

IPresentationConverter converter = new PresentationConverter();
ISlides slides = converter.Presentation.Slides;
ISlide firstSlide = slides[0];
ISlide lastSlide = slides[slides.Count - 1];
slides.SaveThumbnails("C:\\thumbnails", "thumb", ImageFileType.IFT_JPG, 120, 90, 75);