You can set up the following settings for your iSpring Learn account:

Authentication method

In the Security section select the way that users will sign in to their accounts.

  • To protect the account from spammers and bots, select via login and password using CAPTCHA and click Save.

    This will help to determine if the user attempting to access the system is a human or a program. If CAPTCHA is enabled in your account, users will have to pass through the 'I'm not a robot' test every time they sign in. When you choose via login and password, users won't need to take this test.

  • Select the via login, password, and email code authentication method, to make it harder for attackers to gain access to a person's accounts even if they know the password and login.

    Employees will receive a confirmation code by email and then enter it to log in.


    Make sure all of your users’ emails are in their profiles. Otherwise, they will not be able to receive the verification code and log in to the account.


In the Password menu, select the type of password the employees will use: simple, strong, or custom.


A simple password consists of 6 and more characters without any extra requirements. 

A strong password:

  • Should consist of Latin letters (a-z, A-Z)
  • Should contain at least one capital letter (A-Z) and one number (0-9)
  • Its length should be 6 characters and more. 

A custom password

  • Minimum password length is 6 to 20 characters

To create a custom password:

  1. Select the Custom password in the Password menu.

  2. Additional settings will appear.
    Choose what characteristics the password should meet.

  3. Finally, click Save.

    Done! The password now meets your company's security standards.

Privacy Policy

According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), your users must give their consent to let you collect their personal data. For this purpose, ask them to accept your Privacy Policy when logging into their accounts. 

To enable Privacy Policy in your iSpring Learn account:

  1. Tick the Enable Privacy Policy option. Now, insert your Privacy Policy text in the editor and format it, if you wish.

    The text editor doesn't work in the Internet Explorer 11 browser. Use another browser, like Google Chrome or Safari.

  2. Next, save changes.

  3. That's it! Now your users will need to accept your Privacy Policy when signing in to their accounts for the first time after the policy has been enabled.

    All following logins won't require agreeing to the Privacy Policy unless you change it. However, they can always reread the policy in their accounts. 

    In the user portal, click on the profile photo at the top right corner and click on the Privacy Policy link at the bottom of the sidebar.

    In the admin portal, click the profile photo at the top right corner and click on the Privacy Policy link in the opened menu.

    One more thing that will appear in the admin portal is the Privacy Policy acceptance date in the users' cards.


  1. If a user refuses to accept the Privacy Policy, they won't be able to log in to the account. The same is true if users had already logged in to their accounts and even taken courses.

  2. If you added a user in the admin portal, they will be counted as active in your tariff plan, even if they didn't accept your Privacy Policy and couldn't log in to the account.

  3. Check if all users have accepted your Privacy Policy and find out when they did so. To do this, go to the Users section and click the Export/Import menu. Next, select Export Users.

    In the exported file, you will see the Privacy policy acceptance date column. It contains the date when a user accepted your Privacy Policy. 

    If a user refused to accept it, the cell will be empty.

  4. If you disable the Privacy Policy in your iSpring Learn account, data about its acceptance will be removed from users' profiles in the Users section of the admin portal.

    If you decide to reenable the Privacy Policy, users will need to accept it again.

  5. If you edit the Privacy Policy text, iSpring Learn will notify users. They will need to accept the updated privacy policy again. If users don’t accept the new terms, they will not be able to log in to their account.