Account Administrators can change the language of iSpring Learn to Arabic. When they do, the layout direction will automatically change to right-to-left.

Please note that when the language is set to Arabic, the numerals will remain the same and not change, even though some Arabic-speaking countries use a different numeral system. Also, in the calendar, the week will start on Sunday.

Arabic can be selected both in the administrator portal and in the user portal.

Administrator Portal

To select Arabic for the entire account or a separate department, change the language in the Administrator Portal.

  1. Go to SettingsAdditional Options.

  2. Scroll to the Extra Options section and click Languages.

  3. Next, choose Arabic.

    Now the layout looks as it should! The language has changed, and the layout has become from right to left.

User Portal

To set up Arabic in the User Portal:

  1. Click on the photo in the upper right corner.

  2. In the sidebar, go to Profile Settings.

  3. In the Account Settings section, select Arabic.

    That's how the user portal will look now. The layout direction and language have both been changed.