To add a new project:

  1. In the Projects section, click .

  2. In the Manage Project window:
    1. Enter the project title. Its length shouldn't exceed 255 characters.
      The project name doesn't need to be unique.  

    2. Specify which team members have access to the project.
      To do this, enable access for the entire team and choose which actions team members can perform on the project materials.
      Or add individual team members who will receive access to the project and specify their access level. 
      Team access is disabled by default, which means that only the project owner and the account owner have access to the project and its materials.

    3. Finally, click Done.

  3. Next, add materials to the project that you and your collaborators will be working on. Depending on the access level (view/comment/edit), your colleagues will participate in the development of the materials.