If you have enabled sending role-play results to email, you will receive a detailed report every time when a user takes your role-play.

To modify general email settings and specific information about each role-play scene in the report:

  1. Click Properties on the toolbar. 

  2. Then, open the Results tab.

  3. Select Send detailed results and click Customize.

  4. The Customize Role-Play Report window will open.

  5. To make a role-play report more informative, you can modify the following details:

    Email settings: From, Subject, Disclaimer

    • Specific messages


  6. Use different variables throughout the report message, which will be replaced with their respective values. The role-play variable must be surrounded by % characters. Otherwise, they will be defined as a string. Here is a list of the available variables. 


    Role-Play title
    %SIM_STATUS%Role-play completion status: passed or failed.
    %SPENT_TIME%Time spent on passing a role-play.
    %USER_SCORE%The score that a user has earned.
    %MAX_SCORE%The highest score a student can earn