The ISkin interface provides skin properties, This interface is an item of ISkins collection.

Table 1. Properties

PropertyValue TypeAccessProperty description
IdstringRead onlyThe unique skin identifier. It is specified in the ID parameter located in the player.xml file.
NamestringRead onlyThe human-readable skin name. It is specified in the skin description that is usually located in the description.xml file.
HasI18nboolRead onlyShows if the skin has internationalization settings.
Html5ModuleIHtml5SkinModuleRead only

Returns the IHtml5SkinModule interface, providing skin module settings. 

I18nII18nSettingsRead only

Returns the II18nSettings interface, providing skin-specific internationalization skin settings.

PriorityintRead onlyThe skin priority. Used to make a skin choice if it wasn't selected when publishing. It is specified in the priority parameter in the player.xml file.