The ILicenseManager interface provides facilities for activating iSpring SDK. This interface can be obtained using IPresentationConverter.LicenseManager property.

Table 1. Properties

PropertyValue TypeAccessProperty description
ActivationRequestCodestringRead onlyThe field contains a code that can be sent to our Support Department to proceed with offline activation.
LicenseIsActivatedboolRead onlyTrue when SDK is activated.
LicenseKeystringRead/WriteThe license key is received post-purchase.
LicenseTypeLicenseTypeEnumRead onlyThe license type is dependent upon the key.
LicenseActivationCodestringRead/WriteThe value for this property should be the offline activation code received from our Support Department.
DaysLeftlongRead onlyThe number of days that the trial license will be active.

Table 2. Methods

void ActivateLicense()Activates the license using the provided license key by sending a request to the activation server; thus, an Internet connection is necessary. 
void DeactivateLicense()Deactivates a license to allow it to be used on another computer. A request will be sent to the activation server; thus, an Internet connection is necessary.
void ResetLicenseManager()Resets changes in the IPresentationConverter.LicenseManager property and restores the current license info.

Check the example in the iSpring SDK License Activation via COM API article.