The ISettings interface determines the conversion settings of the PresentationConverter class. This interface can be obtained using the IPresentationConverter.Settings property.

Table 1. Properties

PropertyValue TypeAccessProperty description
LogFilestringRead/WriteIf the property is specified, a log file will be created at the specified path after conversion. The log file contains information on the presentation conversion progress.

A path to the folder where temporary files are stored will be created during conversion. When the property is not specified, temporary files will be created in the system's temporary files folder by default.

Note: temporary files are automatically deleted at the end of the presentation's conversion.
ZipCompressionIZipCompressionSettingsRead onlyReturns the IZipCompressionSettings interface, allowing the archiving of a presentation right after the conversion process is over
PlaybackIPlaybackSettingsRead onlyReturns the IPlaybackSettings interface, providing presentation playback settings.
PresentationContentIPresentationContentSettingsRead onlyEnables and disables publishing of additional presentation content.
Html5IHtml5SettingsRead onlyProvides HTML5-specific publishing settings. 
CompressionICompressionSettingsRead onlyReturns the ICompressionSettings interface, providing images, video, and audio compression settings.
AppearanceIAppearanceSettingsRead onlyReturns the IAppearanceSettings interface, providing HTML presentation appearance customization facilities.
Media IMediaSettingsRead onlyReturns the IMediaSettings interface, providing media format and compression settings.
NavigationINavigationSettingsRead onlyReturns the INavigationSettings interface, providing HTML presentation navigation settings.
ProtectionIProtectionSettingsRead onlyReturns the IProtectionSettings interface, providing copyright and protection facilities.

Table 2. Methods

MethodMethod description
void Reset()Restores default settings.
Load(string fileName)Loads the conversion settings from the XML file.

Save(string fileName)

Saves the settings to the XML file.