Publishing to the computer allows you to save a role-play on a local drive for subsequent distribution. Post the converted role-play on your website, blog, or on the internal network of your organization.

  1. When you have finished editing the role-play, click Publish on the iSpring TalkMaster toolbar.

  2. In the Publish Role-Play window, select the My Computer tab. By default, the project name coincides with the role-play name, but you can change it to any name desired.

  3. In the Folder field, specify the local or network folder in which the role-play will be saved. To do this, click the Browse... button, select the desired folder, and click Select Folder.

  4. Then, set up output options:
    Specify how the role-play behaves in a browser
    Select the quality level of images, audio, and video files
    • Change Accessibility Mode

  5. After you've configured all the settings, click Publish.

  6. In the window that will open after the publishing process is completed, the following options are available:
     View the role-play in a browser
    • Open the role-play in a folder on your computer
    • Send the item as an email attachment
    • Upload the material to an FTP server
    • Compress the role-play into a ZIP folder