Once you have finished editing your role-play, upload it to iSpring Cloud, a platform for microcourse creation and content storage.

Learn how to manually upload a content item to iSpring Cloud if your computer is disconnected from the Internet or online publishing doesn't complete because of an antivirus program or a proxy server error. 

To publish your role-play to iSpring Cloud:

  1. Click Publish on the iSpring TalkMaster toolbar.

  2. Choose the iSpring Cloud tab. If you have already logged in to your iSpring Cloud account, your profile data will populate the Account field and you won't need to reenter them.

  3. Enter the title of the role-play in the Content name field. By default, the title is the same as that of the PowerPoint role-play.

  4. Click Browse... to the right of the Project field, choose the folder to upload your content, and click Select. By default, your role-play will be uploaded to the general content list.

  5. Then, set up output options: 

    • Specify how the role-play behaves in a browser
    • Select the quality level of images, audio, and video files
    • Change Accessibilty Mode

  6. Next, specify the upload options.
    Click the Customize button next to the Profile menu in which iSpring Cloud is selected as the default.

    In the opened window, add tags, description, and the role-play author, and set up progress and completion parameters.

    • In the Backup field, select Upload source files so that you and your teammates could download source files of the role-play in iSpring Cloud.

  7. Click the Publish button.

    The role-play has now been uploaded to iSpring Cloud. To view training material in the iSpring Cloud interface, click
    Manage Content.

  8. Your iSpring Cloud account will open in a browser. The uploaded role-play can be viewed in the All Materials section or in a project that the content item belongs to.


    If in the All Materials section or in the project where you are uploading the content item there is already a role-play with the same name, select one of the actions:

    • Replace the old role-play with the new one
    • Leave both role-plays; in this case, a digit will be added to the role-play name, like Car Sale Dialog (1)
    • Cancel publishing