The content item is available only to those team members who have access to the project that the material pertains to. To make a selected content item visible to anyone you send the link to, enable public access to that item.

  1. Select an item from the list and click Share on the menu at the top.

    1. Clickto the right of the item and select Share

    2. Right-click on the name of the content item and choose Share.

    3. Preview the content.

      Next, click Share at the top.

    4. Edit the content item (available only for pages and online quizzes).

      Next, click Share on the menu at the top.

  2. On the Share page, the following options are available:

    Make viewable via linkAnyone with a link can view content.
    LinkCopy the link and send it to those you want to show the material to.
    Embed codeCopy the code and insert it into your website or blog
    Cover Image SettingsThe cover image will be displayed when you insert the material into a website or blog. Select the color of the material’s cover and upload an image.

  3. Now, access to the material is open to everyone you send a link to, even if they don't have access to your account.


    If you need to post your content as a web object, i.e., on a website, inside an iSpring Suite presentation, or on a blog, make sure you copied the embed code, not the link.

    For security reasons, links don't support preview, whereas embed codes do. You still can use links if you need to send them by email, etc.