An instruction slide can be placed at the beginning of the test, so that employees can prepare for the tasks ahead. Even if the time for the test is limited, the countdown will begin only after the introduction section, and the students will not use up valuable time preparing.
Tell the users what materials the test will cover, how many attempts are allowed, and how many points are needed. You can also explain how to navigate through the test: for example, how to see a list of all the questions, go to the next question, and complete the test.

To add an instruction slide to your quiz, click Introduction on the toolbar, and select Instruction Slide.

The instruction slide will appear in the slide list on the left side of the editor. In Form View mode, you can enter a slide title and text, and add a soundtrack to the slide by clicking the Add Audio icon.

In Slide View mode, you can arrange the appearance of the slide: arrange the text boxes and add new ones, plus select a background, and insert images and video objects.