Next, you need to edit product cards on Tilda. To set up an online course store from scratch, follow this step-by-step guide.

  1. Go to Tilda and add product cards to your website.

  2. Once you've added the cards, click on Content.

  3. In the product card, click on Show more: button, label, options.

  4. Paste the course ID you copied in iSpring Learn into the SUBTITLE OR SKU field. Click on Save and close.

  5. Then, add the webhook from iSpring Learn to Tilda. To do this, go to Site Settings > Forms > Other and click on Webhook.

  6. Paste the link from iSpring Learn into the Webhook URL.

  7. Click on Add.

  8. Add a shopping cart block and go to Content.

  9. Select Webhook in the CONNECTED SERVICES.