Add a meta title for a learning path to provide search engines with information about your content. All other things being equal, search engine robots will choose a website with properly composed meta tags. 

A meta title is a web page title that is displayed in search results and browser tabs. A meta description is a brief annotation of a web page that describes its contents.

Meta keywords aren't visible in search results, but search engines can use them when indexing the website.

  1. Open the Content section and click on the course to which you would like to add a meta title.

  2. Next, click the SEO tab. There's already a default meta title and meta description here (the latter coincides with the description specified under the Details tab).

    The meta keywords field is empty by default.

  3. Change the meta tags to the ones you need and click Save


  1. The maximum length of a meta title is 70 characters.

  2. The maximum length of a meta description is 300 characters. 

  3. Make sure you've added a description under the Details tab. Otherwise, only the Meta-title and the Meta-keywords fields will be available under the SEO tab and the meta description will be missing.

  4. The meta title and meta description should be different and unique for each website page.

  5. Meta tags are supposed to include keywords and competitive advantages. It's important that users are able to understand what learning paths they will be studying.

  6. If you don't add the meta description in the settings, the search robot will compose it on its own based on the web page contents. But, if you make up a description yourself, you will be able to include all the advantages of your website and calls to action.

  7. Meta keywords should be coherent with the website contents. 
    Follow the recommendations below when picking keywords:
         Don't add more than 20 words.
          Don't use the same keyword more than 3 times.
          Use the keyword in various grammatical forms.

          Add the most common spelling mistakes for the keyword.

  8. Learn to set up the meta title and the meta description for the marketplace in the SEO Settings article.