You may want to share the learning path with all account users and even with people who are not registered with iSpring Market yet.

A quick and easy way to do that is by adding the learning path to the Marketplace section and specifying its price.

  1. Open the E-Commerce tab and select the Add this content item to the marketplace option.

  2. Now select a Marketplace category to which the path will belong. Learn how to add and manage categories in the Marketplace Categories article.

    By default, all materials fall into No Category. But, once you add more categories, feel free to choose one which is the closest to the content’s subject.

  3. Next, specify whether you want to charge learners for viewing your learning path or if you want to distribute it for free. To do this, drag the Make content paid toggle button to the right or back to the left.
    In case you decided to sell your learning path, price it. The currency is set in the E-Commerce settings.

  4. Lastly, click Save. Great job! Now your learning path appears in the Marketplace section of the user portal and will be available without registration or authorization.


  • Learning paths can include free and paid courses. The payment status for the content items included in a learning path can be changed under the Outline tab.