The IAppearanceSettings interface represents the appearance settings of the generated HTML content. This interface can be obtained using the ISettings.Appearance property.

Table 1. Properties

PropertyValue TypeAccessDefault valueProperty description

The background color of the generated HTML presentation in 0xBBGGRR format: color = Red + (Green * 255) + (Blue * 65536)

The background color property can be set to null. In this case, the HTML5 presentation background will be transparent. 


If this parameter is set to false, the slides in the generated presentation won't have any background. The mouse click will work only on the slide objects and will not work on the background. 

OptimizeImagesForScreenResolutionboolRead/WritefalseA boolean value indicating whether the generated HTML content will be optimized for the particular screen resolution. 

Note: the ScreenHeight and the ScreenWidth properties specify the screen height and width for which the generated presentation will be optimized.
ScreenWidthintRead/Write1024The screen width for which the images will be optimized. 

Note: this property is used if the OptimizeImagesForScreenResolution property is set to true.
ScreenHeightintRead/Write768The screen height for which the images will be optimized. 

Note: this property is used if the OptimizeImagesForScreenResolution property is set to true.
FitToWindowboolRead/WritefalseIn the FitToWindow mode, the presentation adjusts to fit to the browser window.

Table 2. Methods

void Reset()Restores default appearance settings.