To upgrade from your Business license to a Concurrent license, you need to perform the following steps: 

  1. Install a new version of the product. Download the latest version at and install it on top of the old version.
  2. After installation, open the iSpring Suite product and click About from the Help drop-down menu on the toolbar.

  3. In the About window, click Change License Key

  4. The Activation Wizard window will pop up. Keep the checkbox Enter another license key selected and click Next.

  5. Insert the concurrent license key and click Next. Use the same key that you specified for the License Server activation.

  6. Specify the name of the computer on which the license server is installed. If the client and server parts are both installed on the same computer, then type in localhost.

  7. In the Use port field, specify the same port that you indicated in the Server License Management Console. The default value is 9979. Click Next.

    Your concurrent license is now activated. You can get started using iSpring Suite if there are any available connections (floating licenses) on the server.