You can make your interaction stand out by customizing colors of the player. You can choose the colors matching with your PowerPoint presentation theme in case your interaction is a part of a presentation or use your corporate colors.

To customize colors of the player:      

  • Click Customize button in the Interaction Properties dialog.

  • Choose a color scheme or manually specify a color for each element.


The player comes with several predesigned color schemes. To choose a color scheme choose a scheme from the Color scheme drop-down menu.

To change a color of any element of the player:

  1. Click the color button next to the element, which color you want to change.
  2. In the Choose a color window, select a color using the color picker or enter the color code into the corresponding field.

    As you pick a color, the preview pane in the upper-right corner will show both the old and the new colors. The new color will be automatically applied to the player element in the preview mode.

  3. If you want to revert to the old color, click it in the preview pane or click Cancel.

  4. Click OK to save changes.

 You can copy colors of other elements by dragging a color box with the color you need and dropping it to the color box of the element, which color you want to change.

Once you are satisfied with your color scheme, you can save it for future use.

To save a color scheme:  

  1. Click the Save As button.
  2. Enter a name of the new color scheme.
  3. Click the Save button.

    Your color scheme will be added to the Color scheme drop-down menu.

To remove a color scheme:    

  1. Choose a color scheme in the Color scheme drop-down menu.
  2. Click the Delete button.
  3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.