To add a hyperlink:  

  1. Select the text that you want to convert to a hyperlink.
  2. Click the Hyperlink button on the editor toolbar.
  3. Choose a hyperlink type using the radio buttons.

  4. Click OK
Link TypeDescription
Web pageEnter a web page address in the corresponding field. You can check if a link works correctly by clicking the Test button (the program will open the URL in your default web browser). You may also find the Open in a new browser window option helpful. If you leave it unchecked, a click on a link will open a target page in the same window with your quiz.
Interaction ItemChoose an item from the drop-down menu.
 EmailType an email address in the corresponding field.

To remove a hyperlink:  

  1. Click the hyperlink in the text.
  2. Click the Hyperlink button on the editor toolbar.
  3. Click the Remove Link button.