Use the Advanced tab to specify the size of a simulation and control the resume option.

Content Properties |
Fit to window | Scales the simulation up to fit the entire screen area of your browser. |
Size | Width and height of the output simulation. |
Scale | Percentage of the published simulation size relative to the original presentation size. |
Note: Width, height and scale are related parameters and iSpring maintains the aspect ratio as you type one of these parameters. iSpring technology allows you to reduce the height and the width of the simulation without loss of clarity.
Playback Options |
On restart | Set up the playback of a simulation when reopened. Prompt to resume – When reopening a simulation, the user will be able to choose from two options: either to continue the previous session or play it from the beginning. Always resume – The simulation is always resumed from where it has been interrupted without user’s intention. Always start over – The simulation is always played from the beginning. There is no option to resume. |
HTML5 Properties |
Extended font compatibility | Check this option to generate True Type fonts for HTML5 browsers not supporting compressed WOFF fonts. This option will increase the final size of your simulation since additional font files will be generated. |
Note: You can edit the prompt to resume message in the Text labels area of the Player Settings window.