iSpring SDK Command Line Interface
iSpring SDK contains an iSpringSDK.exe command line application that is based on iSpring SDK COM API. This application provides a command line interface to the iSpring SDK functionality and can be used to perform batch conversion from a command line or shell scripts and other automation tools.
Command Line Syntax
The general iSpring command line application syntax is:
iSpringSDK.exe <command> [command parameters]
By starting the command line application without any parameters, one gets information about the version and license.
The command parameter specifies an action the command application will perform. The commands may have a short alias that simplifies and accelerates command line application use.
The following commands are currently supported:
Command | Short Alias | Command Description |
help | Provides a list of available commands and their parameters. iSpringSDK.exe help | |
activate | a | Activates the iSpring SDK license. For the online license activation, the syntax is: iSpringSDK.exe activate <license key> or iSpringSDK.exe a <license key> Example: iSpringSDK.exe a "QJ0K7-Y8H10-CSG6C-GP688-P49R9-FBF4H-T15CG-J040M-DPSGJ-CGJ99" For the manual license activation, the syntax is: iSpringSDK.exe activate <license key> [activation code] or iSpringSDK.exe a <license key> [activation code] Example: iSpringSDK.exe a "QJ0K7-Y8H10-CSG6C-GP688-P49R9-FBF4H-T15CG-J040M-DPSGJ-CGJ99" "SZyImYekO/SruTA8+xDtZsfrcnOOnoaG9J304M1smoOeJ3axeVHOOWliPKB=" |
deactivate | d | Deactivates the iSpring SDK license. The syntax is: iSpringSDK.exe deactivate or iSpringSDK.exe d Deactivation requires an Internet connection. |
activate-request | ar | Provides an activation request code that is needed when you want to activate your license manually. This happens when there is no active Internet connection. iSpringSDK.exe activate-request or iSpringSDK.exe ar After you get the activation request code, send it, along with your license key, to our Support Department. Our employees will then get back to you with a license activation code. See the activate command description to learn how to run a command that will manually activate your license. |
generate-html | h | Performs batch conversion of PowerPoint presentations to HTML format. Example: iSpringSDK.exe h presentation1.pptx presentation1/index.html presentation2.pptx presentation2/index.html |
generate-thumbnails | t | |
scan | Scans the presentation for external multimedia resources. The syntax is: iSpringSDK.exe scan [options] <source-ppt> Example: iSpringSDK.exe scan c:/HTML/presentation1.pptx The information about external resources found during a scan is displayed like this:: <presentationInfo> <externalResources> <videoShape path="..." status="notFound/foundByAbsolutePath/foundByRelativePath"/ <soundShape path="..." status="notFound/foundByAbsolutePath/foundByRelativePath"/> ... </externalResources> </presentationInfo> |
Presentation Conversion Options
Compression | |||
Option | Short Alias | Default Value | Option Description |
--audio-bitrate <bitrate> | -ab | 128 | Specifies audio files bitrate (kbit/s). Supported values: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, and original. |
--video-bitrate <bitrate> | -vb | 400 | Specifies video files bitrate. Possible values are between 50 and 4000 kbit/s. |
--image-quality <image quality> | -iq | original | Specifies a compression ratio (0...100%) applied to non-photorealistic images such as charts, graphs, diagrams, and clip art objects. Note: possible values are integers from 1 to 100 specifying lossy JPEG compression quality or an original value, meaning that lossless PNG compression is applied. Higher JPEG compression quality values result in higher image quality, the lower values result in smaller HTML content size. |
--photo-image-quality <jpeg quality> | -piq | 75 | Specifies a compression ratio (0...100%) applied to photorealistic images such as photos and complex pictures. Note: possible values are integers from 1 to 100 specifying lossy JPEG compression quality or an original value, meaning that lossless PNG compression is applied. Higher JPEG compression quality values result in higher image quality, the lower values result in smaller HTML content size. When the --photo-image-quality option is not specified explicitly, its value is equal to the --image-quality option. In most cases, the highest image quality to HTML content size ratio is provided by setting an image quality to the original value, while jpeg image quality values are between 65 and 85. |
--gif-image-quality <gif quality> | -giq | 75 | Specifies a compression ratio (0...100%) applied to animated GIF images. When the --gif-image-quality option is not specified explicitly, its value is equal to the --image-quality option. In most cases, the highest image quality to HTML content size ratio is provided by setting an image quality to the original value, while gif image quality values are between 65 and 85. |
--zip-output-file-name <file name> | -zof | Specifies the file name for a zip archive. | |
--zip-preserve-source-file | -zp | Saves presentation files after zipping them. | |
--keep-original-media <on/off> | -om | off | Keep original media files if possible. |
Animation and playback | |||
Option | Short Alias | Default Value | Option Description |
--shape-animations <on/off> | -a | on | Converts animation effects. |
--transition-effects <on/off> | -t | on | Converts slide transition effects. |
--loop-presentation <on/off> | -lp | off | Indicates whether the presentation playback is looped. |
--auto-step-advance <on/off> | -sa | off | Indicates whether slide animation steps are played automatically. |
--step-advance-time <seconds> | -st | 5 | Sets minimal animation step duration in seconds (0...100). |
--auto-start <on/off> | on | Indicates whether the presentation playback starts automatically. | |
--export-slide-background <on/off> | -eb | on | Specifies whether the custom slide background is exported. |
--change-slides-automatically | -csa | off | Indicate whether the next slide is played automatically. |
--minimal-slide-duration <seconds> | -msd | 5 | Specifies the minimal slide duration, in seconds (0...1000). |
--resume-presentation <always/prompt/off> | -rp | off | Resumes presentation playback from the last slide that was viewed. When the prompt value is selected, the user will be asked if they would like to resume where they left off upon opening the presentation that they had been viewing. |
--enable-local-3d-transitions | disabled | Enable transitions playback from local disc. | |
Appearance | |||
Option | Short Alias | Default Value | Option Description |
--width <pixels> | -w | The presentation width in pixels (4...5000). | |
--height <pixels> | -h | The presentation height in pixels (4..,5000). | |
--scale <percentage> | -s | Specifies slide scale (in percents). Note: this option must not be used with --width and --height options. | |
--screen-size <width> <height> | -ss | Optimizes images for screens with specific dimensions (96...8192 pixels). | |
--bgcolor <color> or "none" | -b | #FFFFFF | The background color in RRGGBB format or "none" for transparent page. |
--skin <id> | Select skin for conversion. Skin ID is specified in a skin description file (player.xml). Skin descriptions are located in the players folder, which can be found in the iSpring SDK installation folder. | ||
Output control | |||
Option | Short Alias | Default Value | Option Description |
--zip | -z | Creates a ZIP archive with the generated HTML content. | |
--xml <file name> | -x | Creates an XML file with the XML description of the generated HTML content. | |
--format <solid/compound> | -f | Specifies output format. The following options are available: solid; compound. | |
--fast <on/off> | on | Performs fast conversion (runs iSpring inside of the PowerPoint process). | |
--fit-to-window | -fw | Fits the presentation to the window. | |
--audio-quality <% or "original"> | -aq | 75 | Specifies audio quality in percents (0...100%). |
--video-quality <% or "original"> | -vq | 75 | Specifies video quality in percents (0...100%). |
--preserve-audio <on/off> | -pa | on | Converts presentation audio. |
--preserve-video <on/off> | -pv | on | Converts presentation video. |
--extended-media-compatibility | Converts video to mp4 and webm, and audio to mp3 and ogg. It makes presentation media compatible with a wide range of devices and browsers, but increases their size. | ||
--preserve-metadata <on/off> | -pm | on | Defines whether or not to export presentation meta data (title, slide texts, notes, hyperlink tooltips, references, presenter and company info). |
Multimedia control | |||
Option | Short Alias | Default Value | Option Description |
--video-player "none" or "standard" | -vp | standard | Selects video player type. The none video player is similar to the PowerPoint 2000-2007 video player and provides no playback or sound volume control facilities. |
--advanced-smart-art-processing | off | Enables advanced processing of Office 2007 SmartArt objects. Turning this option on can improve the quality of SmartArt object conversion. When turned on, this option opens a PowerPoint application window and uses the Windows clipboard during conversion. | |
Navigation | |||
Option | Short Alias | Default Value | Option Description |
--enable-hyperlinks <on/off> | -hl | on | Enables hyperlinks in the presentation. |
--hyperlinks-target <_self / _blank / custom frame name> | -ht | _blank | Specifies a browser window where hyperlinks to external resources are opened. |
--click-advance-type <none/slide/step> | -mct | step | Specifies the way the mouse click advances the presentation: to the next slide or to the next animation step. |
--enable-keyboard-navigation <on/off> | -k | on | Allows keyboard navigation in the converted presentation. |
--keyboard-settings-file <file name> | -ksf | Loads keyboard settings from the specified XML file. | |
--enable-zooming <on/off> | -gz | on | Enables Zoom gestures. |
Security | |||
Option | Short Alias | Default Value | Option Description |
--restricted-domains <name> | -rd | Specifies the domain name (or names separated by semicolons) where the HTML presentation playback that has been generated is allowed. This property prevents HTML presentation playback on an unauthorized domain or a local computer. If this option is omitted, HTML content is generated without playback restrictions. | |
--subdomain-communication-mode <disabled/optional/enabled> | -sdcm | disabled | An enabled value allows communication between the presentation and scripts located on different subdomains. An optional value allows communication if the presentation was opened with the enableSubdomainCommunication=1 parameter. |
--watermark <file-path> | -wm | The path to a bitmap or an SWF file that will be used as a watermark. | |
--watermark-alignment <alignment> | -wa | left-top | Specifies watermark alignment. Possible <alignment> values are: left-top, center-top, right-top, left-middle, center-middle, right-middle, left-bottom, center-bottom, and right-bottom. |
--watermark-offset-x <offset x> | -wx | Sets the horizontal offset of the watermark from the alignment point. | |
--watermark-offset-y <offset y> | -wy | Sets the vertical offset of the watermark from the alignment point. | |
--watermark-opacity <opacity> | -wo | 100 | Sets watermark opacity (0...100%). |
--watermark-url <url> | -wu | Specifies a web page address that is opened on the mouse click. | |
--watermark-target <target> | -wtg | _blank | Specifies the name of the browser window where the URL specified with the --watermark-url option is opened. |
--password <password> | -pw | Protects the generated HTML presentation from unauthorized viewing with a specified password. | |
--start-time <YYYY.MM.DD> | Specifies the start date from which the presentation can be viewed. | ||
--end-time <YYYY.MM.DD> | Specifies the end date to which the presentation can be viewed. | ||
--sub-domain-communication | -sdc | Allow communication between presentation and scripts, located on different subdomains. | |
Miscellaneous | |||
Option | Short Alias | Default Value | Option Description |
--settings-file <file path> | -sf | Loads the presentation conversion settings from the specified XML file. Note: The settings XML file can be created with the Code Builder or via COM API using the Save() method of the ISettings interface. | |
--verbose | -v | Outputs conversion progress to console. | |
--temp <folder path> | Specifies the folder for temporary files. | ||
--log <file path> | Specifies a log file name where presentation conversion progress is stored. | ||
--range <slide indices> | -r | Specifies slide indices to be converted to HTML format. iSpringSDK.exe -r 0,1,3,8-15 presentation.pptx | |
--enable-js-api-in-html5 | Exposes JavaScript API to the generated HTML5 presentations. |
Thumbnail Generation Options
Option | Short Alias | Default Value | Option Description |
--range <slide indices> | -r | Specifies slide indices to be processed. Example: 0, 1, 3, 5-10. | |
--width <pixels> | -w | The thumbnail width. | |
--height <pixels> | -h | The thumbnail height. | |
--format <wmf/png/jpg/bmp> | -f | wmf | Specifies the thumbnail file format. |
--prefix <thumbnail file name prefix> | -p | thumb | Specifies the thumbnail file prefix. |
--quality <percentage> | -q | 75 | Specifies JPEG thumbnail quality. |
Presentation Scan Options
Option | Short Alias | Default Value | Option Description |
--range <slide indices> | -r | Specifies slide indices to be processed. Example: 0, 1, 3, 5-10. | |
--output <output file name> | -o | Specifies the output file name. | |
--scan-mode <default/relative/absolute> | -m | default | Specifies presentation path scan mode. |