Click New Question to add a question to your quiz.
Select the question type: Multiple Choice, Multiple Response, Short Answer, Sequence, or Matching.
The answers to the Short Answer question type are not case sensitive. So, users can enter an answer either in uppercase or lowercase letters and it will still be considered correct.
Type in your question text and answer choices.
Don't forget to select the correct answer.
If the question type is Short Answer, add all possible answer options that will be considered correct.
Upload an image or insert a link to an image. You can also insert a video via an embed code.
The image cannot be larger than 10 MB.
To remove an image or a video from the title screen or replace it with another one, click Edit next to the object.
To crop the picture, click Edit and select Crop.
How to Crop an Image
Drag the borders of the image to crop it to the area you need. You can move the frame to select a desired fragment. Once you've chosen the desired portion of the picture, click Save.
Click Cancel to leave the Crop Imagepage. The changes you've made will not be applied.
To undo changes, click Edit and select Crop again.
Then, clickUndo Crop and Save.
Change the feedback messages.
Move questions up or down to change their order.
If you need to duplicate or remove a question, select the corresponding option.