You can use this report to view detailed information on users who logged into the system during the billing period, as well as which devices they trained on.
Active users are those who logged into the system at least once during the billing period.
The report includes all users with: active, inactive, or deleted status.
To create a report:
- Open the Reports section, and scroll down the page to the Other section.
Click Active Users.
- Specify the required period or select one of the options in the Period drop-down filter list.
By default, the Current billing period is selected.
There are 2 report summaries displayed above the results table:
- Summary with information on active users:
- The number of active users
- The quantity of users covered by the iSpring Learn plan
- The number of extra users who logged in at least once during the specified period
- The difference in the number of active users compared to the previous period
- Statistics on device usage
Shows the percentage of the number of users who logged in using a computer or mobile device.
- Only the Account Owner, Account Administrators, Department Administrators, or custom roles, who can view the reports, have access to the Active Users report.
The Department Administrators will see the information on users from departments they manage and their sub-departments.
- By default, the data in the report is displayed for the current billing period.
- Information on the number of users covered by the iSpring Learn plan and the number of extra users is available only to the Account Owner and Account Administrators.
Data is displayed only if you select Current Billing Period.
- The administrator can edit the user profile or write a message only to active and inactive users from this page.
- When deleting a department and a user, information about the department of the deleted user will not be displayed in the report.
- If an employee logged in to the platform from a computer and a mobile application, both units will be displayed in the summary and report.