Enable and disable the elements of the bottom bar.

To configure the bottom bar:

  1. Click the Bottom Bar button on the toolbar.

  2. Enable and disable the elements of the bottom bar.

    Table 1. Bottom bar elements


    Enable seekbar

    Enable and disable the seekbar that shows how far the viewer advanced in a slide or in the entire course.

    Allow to seek using seekbar

    Enable and disable learners' ability to move the slider on the seekbar while taking a course.

    Display seekbar labelsEnable the display of the number of the slide that learners are currently viewing and the overall course duration.
    Seekbar mode

    Select the mode of progress shown on the seekbar.

    • Slide progress — the seekbar will show the progress within a current slide
    • Presentation progress — the seekbar will show how much progress has been made in the course
    Play/Pause buttonEnable and disable a button that starts and stops the course playback.
    Replay buttonEnable and disable a button that automatically starts the playback of a course.
    Previous buttonEnable and disable a button that allows returning to the previous slide.
    Next buttonEnable and disable a button that allows proceeding to the next slide.

    Volume control

    Enable and disable a button that controls the volume while a course is being taken.

    Fullscreen button

    Enable and disable a button that switches the fullscreen course playback on and off.


  3. Finally, click Apply & Close.

If you disabled the bottom bar in the Layout section, you will be prompted to enable it.