In Pages, content Authors can now add convenient, smart-looking dividers to texts. There is a variety of dividers, as seen: lines, diamonds, arrows and quotation marks.

Here’s how to add them:

  1. Open a page, click , and select Divider.

  2. The Line with rectangle divider will be added. You can select the type of divider: Line, Line with circle, Line with rectangle, Diamonds, Arrow or Quotation marks.

  3. Then, select the color for your divider and its opacity.

  4. If you selected Line with rectangle or Line with circle, you can choose the color of the text .

  5. You can also select the style of the line: Solid, Dashed or Fading.

  6. Choose the alignment of your divider: Text align, Wider than text or Full width.

  7. You can also highlight your text and edit it. ​

  8. If you selected Quotation marks, you can choose their style.

    Use the CTRL+C/CTRL+V keys to copy and paste dividers, and the DELETE button to delete them.

    Perfect! You've now added dividers to your page.